RT abbreviated as Russian Today which is a Russian television network founded in December 2005. The headquarter of the channel situated in Moscow, Russia. Russian Government funds it. RT is a news channel and provides the new bulletin around the clock. Other than news it presents the talk show, debates, political program, documentaries, cultural program and sports news.
The channel owned by TV-Novosti, which is a nonprofit organization and founded by RIA Novosti. It broadcast worldwide and operated by cable and television channels outside Russia. On net, its contents are available in different languages.
Initially, it was launched as English language channel in 2005 and Arabic language channel in 2007 and Spanish language channel in 2009. RT won many awards like International Emmy award, and for the best documentary silver world medal from New York festivals. RT has many international channels which challenged the United States media.
Watch RT Russia News Live Streaming (Full HD)
You are at right place to watch RT Russia news live stream that is on air from Russian federation broadcasting international news 24/7 hours.
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RT network came into existence by efforts of the Russian government. The purpose of the channel was to improve the image of Russia outside the world. RIA Novosti founded the channel and Director of RIA Svetlana Mironyuk stated, At the level of mass communication in west Russia is known as snow, poverty, and communism. We want to present a picture of life in our country. Russia federal budget funds RIA Novosti. On 10 December 2005 a Russian news channel Russian Today was launched, and at that time it has 300 journalists from which 70 outside Russia. The channel editor in chief Simonyan said RT have a professional format and reflect Russia’s opinion of the world and display a balanced picture of Russia. RT launched many channels in different languages. Russia Today was the first channel in Russia in August 2007 which report live from North pole.
The channel broadcast the new year celebrations in Moscow on 31 December 2007. In 2009 the channel was re-branded as RT. RT run an advertising campaign in 2010 Question More and won the British award for National newspaper advertising as Add of the month. The campaign showed the Barack Obama morphing into Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad but add banned in the United States. RT has launched a news channel RT UK on 30 October 2014.
RT Russia broadcast 24 hours in a day and on air the news after half an hour. Other programs include current affairs, documentaries, and talk shows. Similar programs produced in the entire week.
Sr. No | Programs | Timing |
1 | Sophie Co | 12:00 AM 4:00 |
2 | News | 12:30 1:30 2:00 3:30 5:30 6:30 7:30 11:30 1:30 PM 12:30 |
3 | Going underground | 1:00 AM |
4 | Cross talk | 2:00 AM 6:00 |
5 | Documentary | 3:00 5:00 7:00 9:00 11:00 1:00 PM |
6 | Boom Bust | 8:00 AM 12:00 PM 8:00 PM |
7 | The Big Picture | 9:30 AM |
8 | Keiser Report | 2:00 PM 6:00 PM 10:00 PM |
9 | In the Now | 10:00 PM |
10 | Politicking | Wednesday 11:00 PM Thursday 3:00 AM |
11 | Worlds Apart | Friday Z& Sunday 9:00 PM |